In The Shadow Of The 4000 Tour


Do you want to experience the mountains in-depth, immersing yourself in the atmosphere of its landscapes, stories, and people?

Do you have a fearless heart hungry for discovery and exploration?

Are you a curious person eager to uncover stories guarded jealously by the locals?


Do you really want to run the risk of having a predictable vacation?


When the idea is to spend a few days on vacation in the mountains, dedicating yourself to some hikes and exploring the area, you find yourself having to research and choose which trails to take and which places to include in your itinerary.

At this point, you’re left with relying on your good old friend, or searching the web or consulting a guide. If you’re skilled enough, you can even study a topographic map of the trails.


However, in the end, when you don’t know the places, it’s difficult to go beyond the usual routes, and by doing so, you end up doing the same old things that everyone does.


The mountains, their colours, and their nature are beautiful, of course, but… have you ever found yourself in a place where you didn’t know exactly where to “look,” and you experienced that unpleasant feeling of being lost?

When you move alone in unfamiliar territory, you don’t know exactly what to look for, you don’t know where the most interesting things to visit are hidden, and you only become aware of, at most (no more than 10%), the immense richness around you.

The situation can even worsen if you are in the company of a “seasoned hiker” for whom excursions become practically a sports activity, and what sticks with you the most are the boots of the person in front of you.

For those of us who love to explore the nuances of what we don’t know, not being able to have an authentic and profound experience is a real disappointment.


The worst thing when facing a hike is not knowing exactly what to expect. Will it be suitable for my abilities? Too easy? Too difficult? If the trail is not circular, how can I get back to the starting point?

If, in addition to walking, you want to visit local production companies and engage with artisans and farmers from the area, it becomes even more complicated.

Yes, because in practice, it’s always quite difficult to find precise and reliable information so that you can be sure to meet people who have the time to welcome you and show you their activities.

And in the end, the spontaneous question arises: will I be able to have a truly beautiful, enjoyable, and authentic experience?

And what if your trip were truly extraordinary?


Imagine being with a small group of people who share the same interests as you and having an experienced guide at your disposal who listens to you and knows exactly the right places and situations to make you experience something truly special.

Imagine being able to ask all the questions you want and having the time to delve into the aspects you most want to explore. Time to discover hidden, exclusive corners that you would never have seen otherwise.

Imagine having the opportunity to immerse yourself in the magic of nature and the most intimate places in Valle d’Aosta, enjoying moments of silence to fully appreciate what you are experiencing.


Imagine participating in visits, experiential workshops, and tastings that allow you to experience firsthand what would otherwise have been just a story, and in doing so, living with intensity everything that is happening.

Imagine getting to know and chatting amiably with the local people, testing your senses in a curious and surprising game, and discovering, through direct experience, sensitivities and skills you didn’t think you had.


Imagine getting in direct contact with the local people, meeting entrepreneurs passionate about their work, and talking to them as if they were lifelong friends.

Discover their secrets, experience the excitement that arises from their passion, learn about the traditions and wisdom passed down from generation to generation, and ultimately savour the intense flavours of truly genuine food.

Questo è esattamente
quello che possiamo fare per te.This is exactly what we can do for you.


Tour All’ombra Dei 4000 In The Shadow Of The 4000 Tour

Immerse yourself in a 7-day journey in the presence of the most imposing mountains of the Alps, where the sublime and the solemn meet in an embrace between majestic nature and ancient history.

Feel small in front of the majesty of nature and let yourself be fascinated by the ancient mystery of the mountains, nourishing your adventurous soul, hungry for discovery.

An itinerary full of excursions in enchanted places, where time seems to have stopped; be amazed by hidden corners of a small but incredibly rich region, a true natural temple where solemn beauty speaks of a mystery that seems to date back to the origin of the world.

An opportunity to look at the world from new perspectives, from above and below, and vice versa.



Departure Dates

Start whenever you want!

For this journey, you are free to choose the departure date.

Send us your request, indicating the period in which you want to take your trip, and we will confirm the available accommodation facilities and the personalized quote*.

(*) See our basic proposal and the special promotion we have reserved for you immediately.


Arrival in the afternoon/evening and check in.

Welcome aperitif and presentation of the weekly program

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Morning and early afternoon: Full-day excursion

Picnic lunch

Afternoon: Winery visit and tasting

The Aosta Valley has an ancient tradition of winemaking, and like all “challenging” territories, hard work yields excellent fruits. Moving through the rows accompanied by the winemaker is always a suggestive experience that gives you the opportunity to discover the behind-the-scenes of the sought-after world of wine.

Once in the winery, you can engage in an exciting sensory experience that will make you appreciate the many nuances of scents and flavors that arise from the grape berries of the native vineyards of the Aosta Valley.

Evening: Gourmet dinner in one of our selected restaurants.

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Morning and early afternoon: Full-day excursion

Afternoon: Herbs and Essential Oils Workshop

Unleash the power of nature and transform fresh herbs into essential oils and infused elixirs. Discover the secrets of herbalism, create your exclusive blends, and experience the transformative power of plants and aromatherapy.

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Morning and early afternoon: Full-day excursion

Afternoon: Activities at La Corbetta Farm

Imagine spending an afternoon exploring the fascinating world of bees and beekeeping—an activity with a millennia-old history that connects contemporary humans with the first inhabitants of these territories. Step by step, you become more involved and learn to appreciate the charm hidden within the world of bees. After the beekeeper has shared the techniques and timing of honey production, participate in a tasting where you can challenge your palate by recognizing different types of honey. Finally, with a cooking class, you have the opportunity to learn new recipes featuring honey and share them in an evening of conviviality.

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Free day

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Morning and early afternoon: Full-day excursion

Afternoon: Entrance to the Saint-Vincent or Champoluc Thermal Baths

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Morning and early afternoon: Full-day excursion

Afternoon: Visit to a farm and tasting of dairy products

After experiencing the places of dairy tradition, delve into the heart of cheese production. Discover the rhythms of dairy production, meet the animals and learn milking techniques, and observe the processing stages. Engage in a tasting where you learn to recognize the flavors and aromas of fresh milk and the produced cheeses.

Overnight stay in a 3/4-star hotel or similar accommodation.

Return transfer to the airport (1 hour)



The itinerary of the trip may be subject to small variations due to force majeure, weather conditions, or organizational adjustments.

Upon confirmation of the trip – upon reaching the minimum number of participants – any relevant changes and/or updates will be communicated

List of daily excursions scheduled from mid-June to mid-September:


Gran San Bernardo Valley

The Gran San Bernardo Valley, culminating with the homonymous pass, a historic gateway to our region, has been traveled for centuries by merchants, pilgrims, as part of the famous Via Francigena, and armies, from the Roman legions to Napoleon’s French troops in May 1800…

It starts with an itinerary that allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the wildest mountains, crossing small, secluded valleys dominated by steep slopes and traces of ancient glaciers. After crossing the Colle des Ceingles at an altitude of 2810 m, a long descent awaits us, passing through diverse environments rich in captivating flora.

Excursion details: 

Gran San Bernardo Pass (2470 m) – Frassati Refuge (2540 m) – Saint Rhemy en Bosses (1652 m).

Altitude difference: +400 m / -1100 m – Circular route – Total time: 6 hours






Monte Rosa Valley

The Ayas Valley, dominated by a multitude of peaks exceeding 4000 m, hosts extraordinary nature where high-altitude plants occupy every space not covered by glaciers and rocks. The lakes are jewels nestled among rugged rock walls or alpine meadows.

As if in a dream, the Monte Rosa massif suddenly appears, imposing and majestic, rising from a plateau at over 2000 m. The Blue Lake, nestled in a basin, amazes with the color of its waters.

Excursion details: 

Saint Jacques (1685 m) – Blue Lake (2220 m) – Ferraro Refuge (2070 m) – Saint Jacques – Circular route.

Altitude difference: 540 m + ups and downs – Total time: 5 hours






Cervino Valley

A legendary 4000 m peak, defined as Europe’s noblest rock, dominates the Valtournenche. At its feet, extraordinary nature combined with villages of ancient architecture make this territory a favorite destination for hikers from all over the world. Triatel is home to the Petit Monde settlement, housing an ecomuseum of Alpine culture. Ascend to Chancevella and then to the Gilliarey Sanctuary, strategically perched with the Cervino pyramid in the foreground.

Excursion details:

Torgnon – Triatel (1620 m) – Gilliarey Sanctuary (2170 m).

Altitude difference: 550 m – Total time: 4.30 hours excluding breaks






The Central Valley

Pila Basin: a balcony overlooking the region’s 4000-meter peaks, and Vetan: an open-air museum.

A day dedicated to two areas overlooking the central valley, both characterized by being balconies on the major mountain ranges of the region, from Monte Rosa to Grand Combin to Mont Blanc, and then to the Gran Paradiso group. A route that leads to an alpine refuge, adorned with wooden statues of mountain animals and Alpine culture figures, enriching this excursion even more.

Meet the guide and transfer to Vetan dessus, above Saint Pierre. Departure towards the welcoming Mont Fallere Refuge, near a pond teeming with frogs and tadpoles. Along the way, you’ll admire wooden statues of mountain animals and Alpine culture figures that accompany the hiker to the refuge.

Excursion details: 

Vetan dessus (1780 m) – Mont Fallere Refuge (2385 m) – Alpe Loé (1920 m) – Vetan – Circular route.

Altitude difference: 600 m






Gran Paradiso National Park

A protected area encompasses a territory destined to remain a testimony to humanity’s ability to coexist with Nature without domination. So, entering the Park means being part of this pact, discovering finally how essential every natural environment is for a fulfilling life.

Venture into Italy’s oldest national park, rich in wildlife and rare flowers. In the upper part, the route becomes even more panoramic: the gaze embraces the peaks and nearby glaciers, extending over the valley below. At the refuge, you can take a coffee break… enriched by a slice of cake.

Excursion details:

Thumel (1850 m) – Grand Vaudalaz Valley (2300 m) – Benevolo Refuge – Thumel – Circular route.

Altitude difference: 570 m – Total time: 4.30 hours excluding breaks






Mont Blanc Valleys

The Mont Blanc valleys, both the Ferret Valley and the Veny Valley, enjoy the magic of a unique place in the world, where nature dons grandiose attire made of rocks and ice.

The proposed routes are special for this reason, with views of the peaks and glaciers of Europe’s most famous mountain chain that are bound to leave you enthralled.





Wonderful Corners of Valle d’Aosta

A small region but rich in surprising corners with consistently sublime, majestic yet fragile nature… to experience… to continue to be amazed.



The itinerary of the trip may be subject to small variations due to force majeure, weather conditions, or organizational adjustments.


Upon confirmation of the trip – upon reaching the minimum number of participants – any relevant changes and/or updates will be communicated.


Click on the button below and fill out the form to receive your personalized offer. We will contact you as soon as possible.


1 special welcome aperitif

1 gourmet dinner

1 entrance to the thermal baths


Terms and Conditions (included and not included services, booking and payment methods)


7 nights in selected 3-star hotels or similar with sweet and savoury breakfast

5 packed lunches

5 typical dinners with local traditional dishes

1 Gourmet dinner

5 guided nature/hiking excursions

Entrance fees to castles and museums

1 entrance to the thermal baths


Arrival and departure flights from Italy

Internal transfers will be quoted at the time of booking

Any tickets for ski lifts (chairlifts and cable cars)

Lunch and dinner of the free day

Possible recommended activities during free time

Wine and alcoholic beverages during lunches and dinners

Other meals not indicated in the program

Personal expenses (e.g., bar service, porterage, laundry, tips, etc.)

“All Risks” travel insurance (to be requested as an extra at the time of booking)

Tourist tax – mandatory to be paid on-site

All additional costs due to unforeseen circumstances not attributable to our organization (e.g., flight cancellations, fare increases, strikes, or other events and natural disasters, emergency evacuations, etc.);

Everything not specifically included in the clause “The package includes”


The booking must be made at least 15 days before the trip departure date. 

Payment is to be made via bank transfer in the following manner: 

20% Down payment upon booking confirmation 

80% Final payment due 30 days prior


Due to technical reasons, the order of excursions or visits may change. In the event that weather conditions do not allow one or more excursions, alternative activities will be organized and agreed upon with the participants.

Difficulty of excursions: E – intermediate (easy trails with moderate slopes). The average elevation gain is 300-600 meters. Although the pace is slow and stops are planned along the way, a reasonable level of physical fitness is required.

Timings and duration of excursions (approximate): Departure from the hotel at 9:00 AM, and return in the early afternoon (depending on the length of the excursion). Afternoon activities start from 5:00 PM in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere.

Equipment: Comfortable clothing (preferably technical), spare underwear, hiking boots, windproof jacket, windbreaker for colder seasons, sunglasses, cap (or other head protection), medium-sized backpack, water bottle, and sunscreen.

Who accompanies you on this journey:

Roberto Giunta

A nature guide since 1991, he has turned his passion for the mountains and nature in general into his full-time profession. He believes that the role of a guide is to open doors to the beauty and variety of the natural world, which too often appears only as a magnificent backdrop, but can, if desired, “contaminate” those who approach it with genuine and profound emotions.

Do you want this trip organized exclusively for you?

Fill out the form and specify your preferences.
You will be contacted by our travel consultant who will listen to your needs and propose the best solution.

Kamelion è un progetto
Openmind Travel Srl

Sede legale
Via Esperanto 2 – 11100 Aosta

Sede operativa
Via Bassi 60 – 35131 Padova

Ph. +39.0498256495

P.IVA 05236340286

Kamelion by Openmind Travel

partecipa a:

Progetto finanziato con il POC

Regione del Veneto

Kamelion è un progetto
Openmind Travel Srl

Sede legale
Via Esperanto 2 – 11100 Aosta

Sede operativa
Via Bassi 60 – 35131 Padova

Ph. +39.0498256495

P.IVA 05236340286

Kamelion by Openmind Travel

partecipa a:

Progetto finanziato con il  POC 

Regione del Veneto

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